domingo, 17 de março de 2013

Tribute to Stéphane Hessel “OUTRAGED KNIGHT” and manifesto and best seller "Time for Outrage”


Stéphane Hessel (Wikipedia)



Stephane Hessel, Best-Selling French Author, Father Of The Occupy Movement, Dead At 95



PARIS Stephane Hessel, the French best-selling author, Resistance figure and diplomat died last night at age 95.

He is mostly known however, for his rights activism – his tireless combat for the disenfranchised and illegal immigrants, writes France 24 and is considered the father of the Occupy movement.

His 32-page essay, Indignez-Vous! (Time for Outrage!), published in 2010, sold over 2.1 million copies in France and more than a 3.5 million copies worldwide, according to Le Monde. It was translated in 34 languages and has been lauded for inspiring the global Indignados and Occupy anti-austerity movements.

In an interview with the AFP in March 2012, Hessel said: “The amazing success is still a surprise for me, but it is explained by an historical moment. Societies are lost, asking themselves how to make it through and searching a meaning to the human adventure.”

Time for Outrage! urges youths to emulate the wartime spirit of resistance to the Nazis by rejecting the "insolent, selfish" power of money and markets and by defending the social "values of modern democracy."

“The reasons for outrage today maybe less clear than during Nazi times,” he wrote, “But look around and you will find them.”

Stephane Hesse on Occupy Wall Street:

Hessel was born to a Jewish family in Berlin in 1917, and moved to France when he was seven. His parents were Franz and Helen Hessel, who along with writer Henri-Pierre Roché inspired François Truffaut’s film, “Jules and Jim.”

He was naturalized French in 1939, as WWII was starting, and in 1941, he joined the Resistance movement spearheaded by Charles De Gaulle in London. In 1944 he captured by the Gestapo and deported to the Buchenwald concentration camp, where he was tortured but escaped death by exchanging his identity with a prisoner who had died of typhus.

After the war ended, he participated in editing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with Eleanor Roosevelt and went on to hold various posts at the UN.

In 2011, Hessel was added by Foreign Policy magazine to its list of top global thinkers "for bringing the spirit of the French Resistance to a global society that has lost its heart."



Morre Stéphane Hessel, um dos autores da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos

27 de fevereiro de 2013 · Notícias


Tamanho da fonte:


Diversos membros da ONU lamentaram nesta quarta-feira (27) a morte de Stéphane Hessel — “um dos grandes campeões dos direitos humanos”, na descrição de da chefe de direitos humanos da ONU –, que faleceu aos 95 anos de idade.

Hessel, que lutou na Resistência Francesa durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial antes de ser preso pela Gestapo e enviado para um campo de concentração, sobreviveu para ajudar a elaborar a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, de 1948. Ele também serviu como representante da diplomacia francesa, inclusive na Sede da ONU em Nova York.

A Alta Comissária para os Direitos Humanos, Navi Pillay, lembrou que “Stéphane Hessel foi uma figura de destaque no mundo dos direitos humanos” e que ”seu envolvimento com a equipe que redigiu a Declaração Universal é suficiente por si só para lhe dar um lugar de honra na história mundial. Mas ele fez muito mais, e continuou contribuindo para o avanço dos direitos humanos durante seus mais de 90 anos.”

A Diretora-Geral da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (UNESCO), Irina Bokova, também expressou sua profunda tristeza com a morte de Hessel, que descreveu como “um dos maiores defensores dos direitos humanos, da tolerância e da compreensão mútua do século XX”.

